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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A Messy Mentor

What have I done? Why am I doing this for the third year in a row?

I'm talking about being a Mentor Mom for our MomLife group at my local church. When I see the term mentor, I think of somebody who has life all figured out, someone who is loving life and is floating through the days. Ok, I might have a little too high of expectations for mentors.

I do know that my fellow Mentor Moms are amazing! One is a mother, grandmother, and retired teacher who has an amazing family and has taught her children to be wonderful parents. She also taught some of my children in elementary school. Another one is a current teacher, who does a thousand other things in the community and at church, as well. She has mentored me in parenting issues a couple times, and I thought very highly of her in college (but I'm pretty sure she barely remembers me. ;) ). The third lady was a youth pastor's wife in a previous church I attended in a totally different town. The church was a different denomination even. (Isn't it crazy how God intertwines people's lives?) She was so young and had it so together even back then before three children. She's bubbly and always put together just perfectly. They are all extroverts and energetic. They are frequently flyers around the world. They are amazing moms!! I am in awe of them.

Then there is me. My travel consists of up to 3 hours each day in the van transporting children around to activities. I stay in my PJs too late into the day. I am a total introvert and get anxious in a crowd. I let the boys play too much electronics so I can get that last 2 or 3 cups of coffee down before I try to get a little bit of school in for the day. I get "stress paralyzed" way too often and can't get off the couch. My house is a mess. I have children that have a lot of issues. I barely keep my head above water each day.

What makes me think I should even attempt being a Mentor Mom again? How can I relate to these young, "non-blended" moms when my whole life is "blended" and pretty messy? Honestly, I really don't know. I do know that I tried to convince God that I was too busy, and then I got the text and I knew I had to do it. I'm not sure what He has planned, but it has to be through Him that anything good comes of this. Only He can turn my mess into something worth sharing and I look forward to seeing Him do it.

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